

The elements placed in group 7 (VIIA) of the periodic table are called halogens or salt producers. All these elements form salts called halides, e.g. NaCl, NaI, KCl, KI etc. Halogen is an ancient Greek word meaning 'salt producer'. Halogens have seven electrons in their valence shell and so are monovalent.

ElementAtomic numberElectronic configurationValencyStateColour
Fluorine92, 7-1GasGreenish but more yellow
Chlorine172, 8, 7-1GasGreenish yellow
Bromine352, 8, 18, 7-1LiquidDark red liquid
Iodine532, 8, 18, 18, 7-1SolidDark purple
Astatine852, 8, 18, 32, 18, 7-1--

Bromine is the only Liquid non-metal. Iodine when heated undergoes sublimation.

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