When a nucleus is bombarded with some sub-atomic particles such as a - particles, neutrons, protons etc, these particles are captured by the target nucleus, which then disintegrates. The new element formed has mass either slightly greater or slightly smaller than the parent element.
The process of splitting of a heavier nucleus (like that of U235) into a number of fragments of much smaller mass, by suitable bombardment with sub-atomic particles is called nuclear fission.Of the three natural isotopes of uranium
The tremendous amount of energy released during nuclear fission is because of the loss in mass. The sum of the masses of the fragments produced and neutrons released as a result of fission is less than the sum of the masses of target 235U and bombarding neutron. The loss in mass gets converted into energy according to Einstein equation
E = mc2.For e.g., we can calculus the loss of mass when - nuclide splits up into 144Ba and 90Kr along with the release of two neutrons.
Dm the mass defect or the mass converted into energy is given by
Dm = 236.127 - 235.846 = 0.281 amu1 amu = 931.48 MeV
\ Energy released = 0.281 amu = 931.48 x 0.281= 261.75 MeV
The neutrons emitted from the fission of first uranium atom hit other uranium nuclei and cause their fission resulting in the release of more neutrons, which further continue the fission process. In this way, a nuclear chain reaction sets up releasing tremendous amount of energy.
If the chain reaction takes place as mentioned, the energy released would be very high. This is the principle underlying the nuclear or atom bomb. However some of the released neutrons escape from the surface unused and do not involve in the chain process. It is found that the net amount of energy released from 1 kg of uranium 235 is equivalent to that available from 2 x 104 kg of coal.It has been found that a branching chain reaction is possible only with a quantity of larger than a certain critical amount (so that only a few neutrons escape).
It must be noted that the naturally occurring uranium contains most U-238 isotope (about 99.3%) which is not fissionable with slow neutrons.
Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy is the energy released when certain changes take place in the nucleus of an atom. Nuclear energy is partly renewable and partly non-renewable source of energy.
Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are the two types of reactions that release nuclear energy:
a) Nuclear fusion - is renewable because hydrogen needed for this process is available in plenty in nature.b) Nuclear fission - is non-renewable because uranium needed for this process is radioactive and has only limited existence.
Your diagram for nuclear fission does not seem correct. When I add up the mass of the atom products together, they weight more than the available mass from the uranium isotope. I am currently trying to teach myself nuclear fission to teach my class. When I look at other nuclear fission diagrams the masses do add up to less than the original isotope and the loss of the mass is accounted for by the lost neutrons and release of energy. Can you explain to me what is happening in your diagram?
help me sort these isotopes by whether they are most likely to undergo fusion or fission.
(a) 3He
(b) 14C
(c) 1 1H
(d) uranium-235
(e) polonium-239
(f) nitrogen-14
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