Unit 18: Heavy Metals -18 teaching hours
1 General Characteristics of Transition Metals
18.1. Copper:
1 Position in periodic table
2 Occurrence and extraction of copper form copper pyrites
3 Properties and uses
4 Chemistry of (i) blue vitriol (ii) black oxide of copper (iii) red oxide of copper
18.2 Zinc:
1 Position in periodic table
2 Occurrence and extraction of zinc from zinc blende
3 Properties and uses of copper
4 Preparation properties and uses of zinc white and white vitriol
5 Galvanization
18.3 Mercury:
1 Occurrence and extraction of Hg from Cinnabar
2 Properties of mercury
3 Mercury poisoning and uses of Hg
4 Preparation, properties and uses of (i) Calomel (ii) Corrosive Sublimate
18.4. Iron:
1 Occurrence and extraction
2 Varieties of Iron
3 Properties of Iron
4 Manufacture of Steel by i. Bessemer process ii. Open hearth process
5 Heat treatment of steel
6 Stainless steel
7 Rusting of iron and its prevention
8 Uses and biological importance of iron
9 Structure and uses of green vitriol, Ferric chloride Mohr's salt
18.5. Silver:
1 Extraction of Silver by cyanide process and its uses
2 Preparation and uses of i. Silver chloride ii. Silver nitrate